
Christian Erikstrup, MD, PhD
Phone: +45 7845 5005



Blood collection

The blood is collected through a needle from a vene at the elbow flexion and is collected in a tap set. We always use disposable equipment, and there is no risk of infection during the collection of blood. Apprx. 500 ml blood is collected.


Voluntariness and disclosure

The donation of blood is always voluntary. Even after the donor has registered to be a blood donor, at any time, temporarily or permanently, he or she may refrain from donating blood.

By signing the questionaire the donor consents to donate blood, and it is indicated that sufficient information concerning the drawing of blood and other information related to the drawing procedure has been given. In case the analysis of the blood gives indication of a disease, the blood is disposed of, and the donor is informed.

Please note: All blood donors in Denmark must be able to speak and understand Danish. Before donating blood you go through a written and oral interview in Danish, and it is important that you understand all the questions and are able to answer them correctly. These regulations are made to prevent misunderstandings between the donor and the staff of the blood bank.



Any information given to the blood bank, either during the interview or in the questionnaire, is confidential. In case the donor after donation suspects that the blood may infect recipients, in confidence the blood bank must be informed accordingly, in order to prevent use of the blood.

No explanation must be given.


Health information

Prior to donation the donor is interviewed with respect to health information. The aim is to ensure that the donor is well and ready to donate, and to make sure that the blood will do no harm to the recipient. The blood bank hands out a special questionnaire prior to the donation regarding the health condition and drug consumption of the donor. In some cases the donation will affect the health condition of the donor.