The Danish Stem Cell Donors - West (DSCD) is a registry of Danish HLA-typed volunteer bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) donors from the western part of Denmark.

DSCD recruits blood donors from blood banks throughout the western part of Denmark (Jutland and Funen). HLA types of all DSCD donors are listed in Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide, and representatives from DSCD take active part in World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA).

DSCD is open for search requests for bone marrow donation to patients at transplant centers performing stem cell transplantation in line with recommendations by WMDA. PBSC, lymphocytes, and various blood products may also be donated to selected patients.

DSCD is an affiliated registry with the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) in USA. Deptartment of Clinical Immunology performing the HLA typing is accredited by the European Federation of Immunogenetics (EFI).

DSCD is licensed by The Danish Health Authority as a tissue establishment according to The Danish Tissue Act No. 273 of 01/04/2006 and regulation No. 984 of 02/08/2007 on standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissue and cells (EU and Commission Directives on human tissue and cells).

Postal address:

Danish Stem Cell Donors - West
Aarhus University Hospital
Department of Clinical Immunology
Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99
DK-8200 Aarhus N

Tel:  +45 7845 5010
Fax: +45 7845 5015

Find more information about Danish Stem Cell Donors - West here:


Search, request and activation

Guidelines for request for donation and subsequent donations


Revised: 8 November 2024