In collaboration with other rheumatology departments nationwide randomized controlled trials in early rheumatoid arthritis have been carried out. The typical design is a 1-2 year RCT-study, which is followed by an open cohort study. A central clinical database, an imaging database, and a biobank are established.
CIMESTRA: MTX + cyclosporine versus MTX + placebo with results published up to year 10 on long-term effect of early aggressive treatment, prognostic values of biomarkers and new insight into the pathogenesis has been assessed.
OPERA: MTX + adalimumab versus MTX + placebo. Year 1 data show 20% improvement in remission.
DanAct Early: MTX + tocilizumab versus MTX + placebo in early rheumatoid arthritis analysis ongoing.
In these studies the participants include the majority of the Danish rheumatology departments. A steering commitee is established for conducting the studies.
DANBIO (the nationwide register for treatment with biological) is used for trials in chronic rheumatoid arthritis.


Kristian Stengaard-Pedersen, Professor, MD,DMSc,

Ellen Margrethe Hauge, Clinical Professor, Head of Department, MD, Ph.D.,