Clinical treatments
Our aim is to offer the best treatment possible to persons afflicted by pathological gambling. This implies using evidence based, standardised treatment methods in the form of cognitive behavioural therapy.
The treatment programme involves outpatient group or individual therapy based on a treatment programme developed by Canadian researchers(1,2). The therapy may be combined with counselling of relatives and/or with intervention/follow-up by a general practitioner or psychologist.
The treatment comprises 12 weekly sessions. Following a detailed manual, the patient is guided step-wise towards coping with gambling addiction and related problems. These steps involve psycho-education, attention to cognitive biases and life values, and prevention of maladaptive thoughts and behaviour.
1. Ladouceur, R., & Lachance, S. (2007a). Overcoming Pathological Gambling: Therapist Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2. Ladouceur, R., & Lachance, S. (2007b). Overcoming Your Pathological Gambling: Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
The treatment programme involves outpatient group or individual therapy based on a treatment programme developed by Canadian researchers(1,2). The therapy may be combined with counselling of relatives and/or with intervention/follow-up by a general practitioner or psychologist.
The treatment comprises 12 weekly sessions. Following a detailed manual, the patient is guided step-wise towards coping with gambling addiction and related problems. These steps involve psycho-education, attention to cognitive biases and life values, and prevention of maladaptive thoughts and behaviour.
1. Ladouceur, R., & Lachance, S. (2007a). Overcoming Pathological Gambling: Therapist Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2. Ladouceur, R., & Lachance, S. (2007b). Overcoming Your Pathological Gambling: Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press.