November 28th, 2022

CEO Poul Blaabjerg received the announcement at an online meeting on Monday that the EUHA Steering Committee has decided to accept Aarhus University Hospital as a new member.

Aarhus University Hospital has just joined The European University Hospital Alliance, consisting of excellent university hospitals in Europe  

The European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) is a network of some of the leading university hospitals in Europe in tertiary care, education and research with a total number of 220,000 employees.

The EUHA Steering Committee has decided to accept Aarhus University Hospital (AUH) and Universitätsspital Zürich in Switzerland as new members of EUHA.

- It is a great honour for AUH and Central Denmark Region to become a part of the European alliance of excellent university hospitals. This is the result of a long-time dedicated effort where the Regional Council in Central Denmark Region has supported AUH and continue to ensure that the hospital develops and thus is able to contribute to the EUHA collaboration, says Anders Kühnau, Chairman of the Regional Council.

The EUHA was established in 2017 by nine university hospitals from different European countries. They saw an advantage in strengthening the expertise and innovation by sharing expert knowledge and experience with other strong university hospitals.

- The hospitals in the EUHA have individual strengths. In this way, they support each other through mutual inspiration, benchmarking and joint projects to further develop excellent healthcare. Similar to AUH, the other hospitals in the EUHA are also challenged by recruiting and retaining staff and the hospitals help each other find solutions, says Poul Blaabjerg, CEO at AUH.

The large university hospitals contribute to several active networks. The considerable national and international commitment of AUH has paved the way for the invitation to join the EUHA.

- Being invited to join the EUHA is an acknowledgement of the professional level at AUH and our long-standing collaboration with Aarhus University and it gives the hospital unique opportunities for collaboration. It is first time the EUHA invites new members, says Claus Thomsen, CMO at AUH.

The purpose of EUHA is e.g., to promote expertise and innovation in healthcare, research and education by comparing practices and patient outcomes, to enable staff to exchange knowledge as well as to collaborate on research and development projects.

- The EUHA collaboration makes it possible to increase quality and value for our patients by developing, implementing and evaluation new practices together with strong partners. This will help os make the necessary changes and find the solutions to manage the current crisis in the healthcare system, says Susanne Lauth, CNO at AUH.


Facts about European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA)

European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) was established in 2017 as an alliance among Europe’s leading university hospitals:

  • Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset (Sweden)
  • Charité (Germany)
  • Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus (Spain)
  • UZ Leuven (Belgium)
  • King's Health Partners (Great Britain)
  • Ospedale San Raffaele (Italy)
  • Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (France)
  • Erasmus MC (The Netherlands)
  • The Medical University of Vienna / Vienna General Hospital (Austria)
  • Aarhus University Hospital (Denmark)
  • Universitätsspital Zürich (Switzerland)

Herwig Wetzlinger, CEO at Medical University of Vienna, is president of EUHA. The EUHA secretariat is located in Barcelona.


Network and working groups in EUHA

The European University Hospital Alliance (EUHA) works strategically within e.g.:

• Learning in Value Working Group
• Rare Diseases and ERN
• Digital Health & Data Network
• EUCCAT Working Group
• Policy Working Group
• Nursing Network
• HR Directors Network
• Staff Exchange Working Group
• Innovation Network
• EUHA Advice
• Research Leads Network
• Clinical Trials Working Group
• Responsible Research & Innovation Working Group
• Healthcare Transformation Academy Project (EU Funded)